(Abbreviations: AIG = Answers in Genesis. CMI = Creation Ministries International. BCT = Biblical Creation Trust. CR = Creation Research) 



Sun. 1st. WIVELISCOMBE (Somerset).Community Church, Wiveliscombe Community Centre, West Street, TA4 2JP. 10.30am & 1pm. Lucien Tuinstra (CMI) Contact: 01984 568 001.

Weds. 4th. FRIMLEY GREEN (Surrey), St Andrews Church Frimley & Mytchett, Sturt Road, GU16 6HY. 8pm. Lucien Tuinstra (CMI). Contact: 01252 834845.

Weds. 4th. LOUGHBOROUGH (Leics.). Packe Street Church, 18 Packe Street, LE11 3EZ. 7.30pm& 8.30pm. Simon Turpin (AIG). Contact: Larry Brown 0772 9111846 www.facebook.com/CGCPG

Thurs. 5th. CROYDON. Tamworth Road Baptist Church, Tamworth Road, CR10 1XW. 7.30pm. Thomas Fretwell (CMI). Contact: 07740 923 175.

Sat. 7th. ROYAL TUNBRIDGE WELLS (Kent), Culverden Evangelical Church, 18a St John’s Road, TN4 9NS. Creation Lunch Event, 11am. Simon Turpin (AIG), Followed by free pizza. Contact: Mrs Ruth Blades 07979 881203.

Sat. 7th. PETERBOROUGH, Salem Baptist Chapel, 2 Dickens Street Eastfield, PE1 5ER. 3pm & 4.15pm. Philip Bell (CMI). Contact: 07835 804183.

Sun. 8th. MAIDSTONE (Kent), Calvary Chapel Maidstone, Hermitage Park Community Centre, Cranford Road, ME16 9FZ. 10am. Simon Turpin (AIG). Contact: Pastor Matthew Hobbs 07949 441104.

Weds. 11th FRANCE, Wort und Wissen Geofachtagung, Éthic Étapes CIS de Champagne, 51100 Reims. Paul Garner (BCT). Contact: https://tinyurl.com/4anm4mby

Weds. 11th. SOUTHAMPTON, Anchor Community Church, 26 Quob Lane, SO30 3HN. 7.30pm. South Hants Origins Workshop, ‘Basic Christian apologetics for all believers." Dr Stephen Hayes. Contact: bgale150@gmail.com

Thurs. 12th. THURLASTON (Leics.), Thurlaston Chapel Evangelical Free Church, 32 Main Street, LE9 7TP. Time tba. Contact: 01455 888438.

Sat. 14th. HEDNESFORD (Staffs.), Kingsmead Independent Baptist Church, 13a Hill Street, WS12 1DJ. 10.30am & 12 noon. Lucien Tuinstra and Philip Bell (CMI). Contact: 07394 314612.

Sat. 14th. Sat. 14th. NORTHAMPTON, The Abbey Centre, Overslade Close, East Hunsbury, NN4 0RZ, Northants Creation Group 7.30pm. “Conflicting Conclusions: Why Worldviews Matter” Matthew Clay. Contact:  01604 766476 or arahme@clara.co.uk

CMI 2024 Creation Conference

Fri-Sat. 20th-21st. LEEDS, Bridge Conference Centre, Rider Street,LS97BQ.  Eleven speakers. To book visit www.creation.com/leeds2024 or phone 0116 2848999.

Sat. 28th. CHESSINGTON (Surrey), The Kings Centre, Coppard Gardens, KT9 2GZ. “Christan Values in Education” Conference. From 10.15am. Prof. Stuart Burgess, Prof. Steve Taylor and Prof. Andy McIntosh + children’s meetings and CMI exhibit. Contact: James Skelton: james.skelton@cvie.org.uk 

Sun. 29th. AMESBURY (Wiltshire), Amesbury Baptist Church, Butterfield Drive, SP4 7SN. 10.30am. Philip Bell (CMI). Contact: 01980 625 255.

Sun. 29th. ZOOM seminar: Kelty Evangelical Church. 6.30pm. Prof. Andy McIntosh. Contact: johnlanglands1@gmail.com


Tues. 1st. BROMSGROVE (Worcs.) Welcome Hall Church, 34 Woodrow Lane, Catshill, B61 0PU. 7.30pm. Philip Bell (CMI). Contact: 01527 758 609.

Thurs. 3rd. SWANSEA (S. Wales), Treboeth Gospel Hall, Llangyfelach Road, Treboeth, SA5 9EH. 7.30pm. Philip Bell (CMI). Contact: 01792 772337.

Sun. 6th. LIVERPOOL, Northwood Chapel, 2a Glegside Road, L33 5XT. 11am & 4pm. Prof. Andy McIntosh. Contact: grahamandjanetpeel@outlook.com

Weds. 9th. LINCOLN, ‘Living Waters’ Conference, Joint conference with AiG. Prof. Andy McIntosh and others. Contact: John Harris johnharris@livingwaterseu.com

Weds-Thurs. 9th-10th. MILTON KEYNES, Christian Resources Exhibition, Marshall Arena, Way West,     MK1 1ST. CMI exhibit.

Fri. 11th. SALISBURY, Salisbury Reformed Seminary, 18 Wilton Rd, Salisbury SP2 7EE. 11.30am to 4.15pm. Prof. Andy McIntosh. Contact: David Kay davidwvec@gmail.com

Sat. 12th. ANDOVER (Hants.), Koinonia Evangelical Church, Endeavour School, Dairy Road, SP11 6YG. 11am to 4pm. “The Right Perspective” Conference (AIG).  Neil Seeds, Prof. Steve Taylor, Prof. Andy McIntosh and Prof. Stuart Burgess. Contact: Pastor Don Olden 01264 352728 or 07555 052083 or elder@koinonia-andover.com

Sat. 12th. GILLINGHAM (Dorset), Gillingham Baptist Church, Newbury (Near roundabout), SP8 4HZ. 2pm & 3.15pm. Andrew Sibley (CMI), Contact: 01747 826187.

Sun. 13th. WESTON-SUPER-MARE (N. Somerset), Waterloo Gospel Hall, 17 Waterloo Street, BS23 1LF. 10am. Lucien Tuinstra (CMI). Contact: 01934 811132.

Thurs-Fri. 17th-18th. SWEDEN, Nordic Creation Research Conference, Malmö. Prof. Andy McIntosh and others. Contact Ola Hössjer ola.hossjer@gmail.com

Sat-Sun. 19th-20th. SWEDEN, Genesis Annual Conference, Malmö. Prof. Andy McIntosh. Contact Göran Schmidt schmidt.gbg@gmail.com


AiG UK Mega Conference

Thurs. 31st October– Sat 2nd Nov. Bethel Conference Centre, Birmingham Road, West Bromwich,  Ten speakers. Cost £52-£58 depending on type of ticket. (under 18s free if with an accompanying adult).  For details, and to book: www.UKMega.org


Sun. 3rd. SOHAM (Cambs.), Soham Baptist Church, Red Lion Square, CB7 5HQ. 10am. Paul Garner (BCT). Contact: pg1bct@gmail.com
Sun. 3rd. LONDON, Hainault Road Baptist Church, Hainault Road, E11 1EE. 10.45am. Matthew Pickhaver (BCT). Contact: mikegrimshaw_uk@yahoo.com
Sun. 3rd. ZOOM seminar: “Geological evidence of a worldwide flood”, After 8 Student Forum, Truth in Science. 8pm. Paul Garner (BCT). Further information from Truth in Science info@truthinscience.org.uk

Thurs-Sat. 7th-9th. POLAND, Poznan, Prof. Andy McIntosh and Joe Hubbard (CR) Thurs 7th Campus Crusade (Poland) student outreach conference.
Fri 8th. Talks to Poznan believers
Sat 9th. All day National conference on Science and the Bible
Sun 10th. Joe and Andy speaking at two churches.
Main contact Michał Pronczuk pronczuk@gmail.com
Mon-Fri. 18th-22nd USA. Powell, Tennessee, Crown College Science Expo. Prof. Andy McIntosh. Main contact Matthew Whiteside: matthew.whiteside@thecrowncollege.edu

Thurs. 21st. RATTLESDON (Suffolk), Rattlesden Baptist Church, Felsham Road, P30 0SF. 7.30pm. Men’s meeting: ’Introduction to BCT’, Maythew Pickhaver (BCT), Contact :Simon Green: sjgreen2004@hotmail.com



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