By post:
Creation Resources Trust, P O Box 3237,
YEOVIL, BA22 7WD, England.
By phone:
01935 850569 (answering machine outside office hours).
By Email: To eliminate spam, we are no longer providing a direct email link. So please type the following address in the “To” section of your mail provider, using the ‘@’ symbol in place of ‘at’:
info (at)
We will do our best to answer any queries or questions you may have.
We do not make financial appeals, but if you wish to support our ministry you can do this online by clicking on the link on the left, using either PayPal or Give-net (Stewardship). As a Registered Charity, donations can be Gift-aided. We accept payment by most debit and credit cards. You can also donate via our webshop by card or PayPal.
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